
Relationship tips for single women

Being a single woman in a world full of couples and hitched folks can be rather annoying, especially if you’re looking for the one in all the wrong places.

It may even leave you wondering if you’re just unlucky, especially if all your friends seem to be dating somebody who seems perfect.

Have you been dating a string of guys, all of who seem perfect to begin with, only to find that they’re just so wrong for you?

Relationship tips for single women

If you’re having a hard time finding Mr. Right in the long list of the wrong guys, here are 15 simple relationship tips for women that can help you understand guys and their mind better, and even help you bring out your best dating side in no time.

#1 Don’t think so much! When you’re single, it’s easy to get caught up in thoughts and wonder why you aren’t finding the right person, when so many of your friends are happily dating or married.

But don’t let your frustrations get to you, or you may start feeling reckless in love.

Rely on your intuition when you meet a new guy, but don’t be too judgmental or picky from the very first moment you meet him. Be open minded, and most importantly, stop overanalyzing every single thing. Nothing works better than taking it easy for the first few weeks. [Read: The Lovepanky dating girl code all girls need to know!]

#2 Give him some control. Don’t be afraid to let a guy take care of you now and then. For a guy, nothing makes him feel more like a man than when he believes he’s taking care of you.

When you’re with a guy, and you want him to fall for you and feel protective towards you, you need to let him take care of you. Don’t be so guarded that he feels useless around you. 

#3 Don’t compare. Never go looking for your old relationship in a new one, and don’t go looking for your ex’s qualities in your present lover. If you constantly try to look for similarities, you’ll end up finding someone who’s exactly like your ex, and that may not really work in your favor. Instead, look for qualities that you’d like to see in an ideal boyfriend. 
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