
The 4 dating girl codes all girls need to know

During the first few months when you’re dating a guy you like, keep these 4 codes in mind and follow them. By sticking to this code, you’ll let him see for himself that you’re a catch not worth leaving.

And the best part, understanding these 16 girl codes is the difference between the girls who are desired and the girls who are always walked over!

#1 Don’t misunderstand the art of playing hard to get. Guys may claim they hate girls who can’t commit within the first three dates. But the only girls guys actually desire and fall for madly are the ones who leave men hanging without any reassurances.

Test it yourself. If a nice guy has a huge crush on you and follows you like a lapdog everywhere you go, wouldn’t you treat him carelessly compared to another guy who flirts with you, but doesn’t try hard to please you? That’s called human nature. We always chase what we’re afraid we can’t have.

#2 Don’t fall for the test. At the beginning of a relationship, the guy you date will test the waters. He may avoid calling you for a couple of days or he may ask for favors *sometimes sexual* just to see how compromising and accommodating you are. Don’t fall for it. If you don’t like doing something or don’t want to do something, stand your ground. He’ll respect you more.

#3 You’re not in love. When you start dating a guy, even though you feel like you’ve fallen madly in love with him, don’t say it out just yet. Pretend like you’re old fashioned and wait for him to say that he loves you first. If a guy knows you’re madly in love with him even before he’s fallen for you, he’ll always take you for granted, even if he doesn’t realize it himself!

#4 Don’t change your life. Remember, this new guy you’re dating is only a part of your life. He’s not your whole life. If you place him on a pedestal and devote all your time to him, he’ll treat you just the way you’re behaving, like a slave. Don’t change your life overnight just because you’re dating a guy. Changing all your plans just to accommodate him will only show him how crazy you are about him.
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